Teddy Bear gallery at Namsan

안녕하세요^^ 리안 입니다~ 반갑습니다
Hello^^ I'm Riana~
After having some time at Namsan tower. Me and my friends went to 2F. We went to Teddy Bear Gallery. They sell many kind of teddy bear. We paid around 8,000 won per person to go inside the gallery.

Many small teddy bear using some other country traditional clothes. This cute and pretty one using kimono.

There was the big teddy bear using uniform. It's huge and white. The uniform was pretty.

There was teddy potter too~ It's smaller than the teddy bear with uniform. There was Harry, Ron and Hermione teddy.

Teddy bear above was pretty and beautiful. It's fan dancer teddy. It's really pink and glamour.

It's hawaii teddy bear. They pose as hula-hula dancer. They using flower hair pin and flower necklace.

There was teddy super hero series too. It was the cute superman. There was hulk, wonder woman, batman, etc.

There was teddy bear with wedding dress. My best friends wedding ceremony was when I'm on vacation here in Seoul. So I taking some picture for her wedding gift.

There's the lonely teddy sitting on the swing. Overall, the teddy bear gallerywas pretty. I saw many huge teddy bear. There was many cute and small teddy bear too. I feel glad that I can visit the gallery.
See you next time~ bye bye^^ 안녕!


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